How to create my store on MYSTORE STLFLIX?<span data-metadata="">
The first step to setting up your store is to become a commercial subscriber. If you are not a commercial subscriber yet, you can start your subscription here. For those who are already commercial subscribers, you can create your store through the platform (
On the STLFLIX platform:
1. Go to and in the header of the page, you will find the MYSTORE link at the top, before the STLACADEMY option. Click the link, and you will be redirected to the MYSTORE management panel.

2. In the left menu, you will find the gear icon for “Settings.” When you open the options, choose “Store.” This is where you can register all your store information, such as name, URL, currency used in the store, select your banner, logo, address, etc.

3. After filling in your store information, just go to the bottom of the page and save your changes by clicking on ‘Update settings’. Done, your store settings are now updated!

How do I set up my payment method?<span data-metadata="">
1. In the left menu, go back to the “Settings” option and choose “Payment Settings.”

2. You will need to select the available payment method (Here, we will use Stripe).

3. You will see a notification that your account is not yet connected. Click on ‘Connect with Stripe.’

4. When redirected to the next page, you will need to create a Stripe account to enable your payment method. If you already have an account, you can proceed to the next step and enter your information until the end. If you don’t have an account yet, simply create one and then enter your information as well.

5. Done! You will receive an alert that your Stripe integration settings have been completed and are now active.

How do I set up my shipping method?
In the left menu, go back to “Settings,” then go to “Shipping Settings” and choose your shipping method (Integration with Shippo or Personal Shipping for manual settings like fixed price, free shipping, and others).

Setting Shippo
1. First, you will need to create an account on Shippo by clicking here. After creating your account, go to settings > advanced > API. Generate and copy the Live Token

2. After that, return to the Shippo configuration page on Mystore and paste the Live Token into the “Live API Token” field, then save the changes.

3. The integration with MYSTORE is now complete. Now you just need to go back to Shippo > Settings > Carriers to select your shipping method.

4. Click on edit and ensure the delivery method you want is active.

Configurando Melhor Envio
1. Para configurar o Melhor Envio você precisará primeiro criar uma conta. Após criar sua conta você pode ir no painel da esquerda e selecionar > Integrações > Permissões de Acesso e “Gerar um novo token”

2. Após copiar o token, retorne até a pagina de configuração do Melhor Envio na Mystore e garanta que a opção “Enabled esteja ativa. Após isso cole o token na área destinada.

3. Em shipping settings você poderá selecionar os melhores métodos de entrega para a sua loja. Após a configuração salve as mudanças em “Update Settings” e a integração estará finalizada.

Setting Personalized Shipping
1. You can also go to “Personalized Shipping” and “Shipping settings” to manually set shipping costs. Additionally, in this section, you can configure different shipping methods, such as free shipping, shipping to specific locations, or fixed-rate shipping, for example.

2. Click the checkbox ‘Enable shipping functionality’ to activate the feature.

3. Now let’s use an example to create a shipping option for a specific region. Go to the “Ship to” option and set the country.

4. A new option for states will appear. Select the desired state and add the specific shipping cost.

5. Now just click on ‘Save settings’ and you’re done—your settings are now configured.

How do I register my STLFLIX products?
1. Go back to the platform and choose the desired model. When you find a model you want, you can hover over the card and click on the dollar icon to add it to your sales catalog, or you can do this by clicking on the model and selecting the same icon on the model’s page.

2. After that, the model will be added to your sales catalog. You can go to the store settings or continue adding as many models as you want.

3. Return to your store environment and select the “Products” option from the left menu; your model is already in the catalog, click on it.

4. Click on the model to enter the sales details, such as information, prices, etc. Note that the entire STLFLIX Media Package has been imported into the listing; you can use these photos/videos or create your own versions.

5. After filling in all the necessary information, don’t forget to change the status of your product from draft to online. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find “Other options.” Set the status to online and save the product.

How do I register my own products?
1. In addition to STLFLIX models, you can add any other product to your store. To do this, first go to the left panel, click on “Products,” and then click on “Add New Product.”

2. Unlike when you import an STLFLIX model into your product catalog, here you will have all the fields free to fill in as you wish, allowing you to add different products to your catalog.

3. Finally, after completing the registration of a new product, don’t forget to change the status from “Draft” to “Online.” After that, your product will appear in your store.

How do I register products with variations?
You can set your products as simple or with variations. If set to simple, the price will be standard. If you want to add variables like size and color, you can follow these steps:
How can I customize my store?
To begin, click on the “Settings” button in the top navigation menu and select “Store” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the store settings page, where you can start customizing your store.

Now that you’ve accessed the store settings page, you can start customizing your store’s design. Click on the “Design” tab and select “General” from the dropdown menu. Here, you can choose your store’s brand colors, font type, and other design elements.

In the “General” section, you can choose your store’s brand colors. Click on the “Brand colors” tab and select the colors that represent your brand. You can also upload your own custom colors.

Next, select your store’s font type. Click on the “Font type” tab and choose from a variety of font options. You can also upload your own custom font.

Now that you’ve selected your store’s brand colors and font type, you can customize your store’s menu and header. Click on the “Menu & Header” tab and adjust the settings to your liking.

Next, customize your store’s footer. Click on the “Footer” tab and adjust the settings to include the information you want to display.

Now that you’ve customized your store’s menu, header, and footer, you can add page sections. Click on the “Page Sections” tab and select the sections you want to add.

In the “Page Sections” tab, you can customize your store’s text and image section. Click on the “Text + Image” tab and add the text and images you want to display.

Next, customize your store’s product list. Click on the “Product list” tab and adjust the settings to display your products in the way you want.

Finally, upload a banner image to your store. Click on the “Banner Image” tab and select the image you want to use as your store’s banner.

Don’t forget to save changes whenever you make an update.
How can I view my store?
To see how your store looks, you can click the button in the lower-left corner of the side menu. You will be redirected to a preview of your store.

How can I export my old Seller's collection to the new product area?
If you already had a seller catalog folder with your separate files and would like to transfer them to register your products on MYSTORE, it’s simple:
On the platform, go to the user area and choose the Seller’s collections option in the left menu. After that, just click on the export icon on the desired card and wait a few seconds. Your products will soon be registered in your MYSTORE product manager