Maraad, the Beast Tamer

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32mm scale/Ready-to-Paint/Basic Gray


Race: Half-Elf
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Neutral Good


  • Strength: 16
  • Dexterity: 14
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Wisdom: 17
  • Charisma: 18

Armor Class: 18 (Chain Mail + Shield)
Hit Points: 68
Speed: 30 ft

Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Animal Handling, Persuasion, Survival, Nature
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Passive Perception 15
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan


  • Beastmaster’s Longsword: 1d8 + 3 slashing damage

Divine Abilities:

  • Lay on Hands: Heal 20 HP per long rest.
  • Divine Smite: Add 2d8 radiant damage on a hit, additional 1d8 per spell level.
  • Aura of Vitality: Allies within 10 ft. regain 2 HP at the start of their turn.
  • Channel Divinity: Emissary of the Wild: Gain advantage on Animal Handling checks and can communicate telepathically with beasts.


  • 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
  • 2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Animal Messenger
  • 3rd Level: Conjure Animals, Beacon of Hope


  • Chain Mail
  • Shield with emblem of a wolf
  • Beastmaster’s Longsword
  • Holy symbol of nature
  • Adventurer’s kit


Maraad was born to a human mother and an elven father in a remote woodland village. From a young age, he felt a deep connection with the animals of the forest, and he would often be found communicating with and caring for them. His affinity with beasts was so profound that his village elders believed he had been blessed by the spirits of nature.

When marauders attacked his village, Maraad defended his home with unparalleled bravery. He managed to calm the wild creatures of the forest, turning them into allies in the fight against the invaders. This act of heroism drew the attention of the Order of the Wild, a group of paladins who revered the balance between civilization and nature.

Joining the order, Maraad took on the mantle of “the Beast Tamer,” dedicating himself to protecting both people and the natural world. His unique abilities allow him to commune with animals and harness their strength in battle. Maraad travels the land, seeking to aid those in need, mediate conflicts between humanity and nature, and ensure that the wild is respected and preserved.

Despite his noble intentions, Maraad’s methods are sometimes seen as unconventional, and his bond with nature can be mystifying to those who do not share his deep respect for the natural world. Nevertheless, his unwavering commitment to both his faith and the beasts he protects makes him a powerful and enigmatic ally.

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