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Name: Zahir Al-Maliki

Race: Genie (Dao)

Class: Wizard

Background: Sage

Alignment: Neutral Good

AC: 15 (Mage Armor)

HP: 40 (8d6 + 8)

Speed: 30 ft., Fly 60 ft.


  • Strength: 10 (+0)
  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 14 (+2)
  • Intelligence: 20 (+5)
  • Wisdom: 12 (+1)
  • Charisma: 16 (+3)

Saving Throws:

  • Intelligence: +8
  • Wisdom: +4


  • Arcana: +8
  • History: +8
  • Investigation: +8
  • Insight: +4


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, short swords
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion


  • Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence
  • Spell Save DC: 16
  • Spell Attack Bonus: +8


  • Mage Hand
  • Prestidigitation
  • Fire Bolt

1st Level Spells (4 slots):

  • Magic Missile
  • Mage Armor
  • Shield
  • Detect Magic

2nd Level Spells (3 slots):

  • Mirror Image
  • Misty Step
  • Ray of Enfeeblement

3rd Level Spells (3 slots):

  • Fireball
  • Fly
  • Counterspell

4th Level Spells (3 slots):

  • Dimension Door
  • Phantasmal Killer

5th Level Spells (2 slots):

  • Cloudkill
  • Teleportation Circle

Features and Traits:

  • Genie Magic: You can cast Innate Spellcasting abilities like Gaseous Form and Detect Magic once per long rest.
  • Elemental Form: As a bonus action, you can transform into an air elemental form for up to 10 minutes, granting you resistance to non-magical damage and the ability to fly.
  • Wishful Thinking: Once per long rest, you can cast the Wish spell without expending a spell slot, but you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to avoid becoming exhausted for 1d4 hours.


Zahir Al-Maliki hails from a long lineage of Dao, genies of the earth and wealth. Born in the heart of a vast desert, Zahir’s life was steeped in the ancient lore and magic of his people. His family were revered scholars and magic users, dedicated to the study of ancient texts and arcane mysteries.

From a young age, Zahir was fascinated by the cosmos beyond the sands and the arcane power that flowed through the world. His curiosity led him to study under the greatest wizards of his realm, honing his magical prowess and gaining deep insights into the nature of reality and the weave of magic itself.

While Zahir enjoyed the luxury and power of his genie heritage, he was drawn to the mortal world by tales of heroism and adventure. He sought to understand the struggles and triumphs of those who lived without the boundless magic of the genies. Leaving his comfortable life behind, he embarked on a journey to explore the realms of mortals, using his knowledge and magical talents to aid those in need and to uncover the deeper mysteries of the multiverse.

His adventures have taken him from ancient ruins to bustling cities, where he uses his genie magic and wizardly skills to protect the innocent, unravel ancient prophecies, and seek out lost artifacts. Zahir’s ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between the mortal and genie worlds, fostering understanding and cooperation between these often disparate realms.

Zahir is known for his wisdom, charm, and a touch of eccentricity, reflecting the enigmatic nature of his genie heritage. He carries with him an air of mystery and a deep-seated desire to make a meaningful impact on the world, driven by the lessons learned from his extraordinary life as a genie and a wizard.

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